Rejected? Redirected? Either Way, You’ll Need Resilience As An Ed Leader

As I look back in my life, every time I thought I was being rejected from something good I was actually being redirected to something better

Steve Maraboli

Hey there, fellow ed leaders! Life can be a real rollercoaster, huh? Sometimes you think you’re on top of the world, and then bam! You get hit with a rejection or setback that sends you spiraling. But fear not, my resilient friends! Those setbacks might actually be blessings in disguise, leading you to unexpected opportunities for growth and development. And we all know our students deserve leaders who get back up again! (Thank You Chumbawamba)

So, what exactly is resilience? It’s the ability to adapt and bounce back from difficult situations. And let’s face it, educational leaders face a lot of challenges in their roles, from managing a diverse range of stakeholders to navigating complex organizational structures (Bates, 2020). But don’t worry, research has shown that resilience can be developed through a combination of personal qualities and environmental factors, including social support and positive relationships (Masten, 2018).

One way to become more resilient is to adopt a growth mindset. That means seeing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than fixed limitations (Dweck, 2017). It’s all about embracing the journey, even when it’s a bumpy one. By modeling this perspective for your team, you can foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

But don’t forget about self-care, my friends! As ed leaders, we often face high levels of stress and burnout. So, it’s essential that we prioritize our own well-being in order to effectively lead our teams (Nixon, 2020). Maybe that means setting some boundaries, taking up regular exercise or mindfulness practices, or even seeking support from colleagues or professional networks.

Remember, developing resilience in yourself and your team is essential for any ed leader. By adopting a growth mindset and prioritizing self-care, you can face challenges and setbacks with a sense of humor, optimism, and a killer bounce-back game. And who knows? Maybe that rejection or failure will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.