Welcome to ILEARN, a revolutionary search approach developed by School Pro to enhance the recruitment and placement of Ed Leader candidates. ILEARN is an innovative approach to education that integrates evaluation, creativity, and training to help districts and canidates achieve their full potential.

With ILEARN, districts are no longer passive recipients but active participants in their searches, as they engage with the latest technology and techniques to hire exceptional leaders. Whether you’re a board member or a community stakeholder, ILEARN will transform the way you approach hiring, making it fun, interactive, and rewarding. Join us on this exciting journey to unlock your true potential with ILEARN!

What is I-Learn?

I-LEARN stands for Identify, Learn, Evaluate, Act, Reflect and Nourish



First up, we have advertising.To showcase your district and highlight all the amazing things you have to offer, we’ll create a stunning vacancy brochure that will make any candidate excited to apply. 

We’ll spread the word far and wide to attract top-notch talent. From professional job boards to social media, we’ll make sure everyone knows about this amazing opportunity.

Next, we’ll actively recruit candidates who have the skills and experience to excel in this role. We’ll leave no stone unturned in our search for the perfect fit for your district. This includes digging into our deep and curated standing portfolio of candidates.

Once we’ve caught the attention of potential candidates, we’ll collect their applications and carefully review each one to ensure they meet your criteria.

Once we’ve identified the most promising candidates, we’ll secure their commitment to move forward in the selection process.

Finally, we’ll create a comprehensive communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed throughout the entire search process. From community members to school staff, everyone will be up to speed on the search for your new superintendent.



Application Collection

Secure Commitments

Create Vacancy Brochure

Communication Plan



First up, we need to create two profiles: one for the ideal board candidate and one for the ideal community candidate. These profiles will guide us in finding the perfect fit for your district.

But we can’t do it alone! We need your input, and that’s where our town hall focus groups and community embed come in. We’ll be gathering feedback from a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that our search is as thorough and inclusive as possible.

Of course, we can’t forget about the legalities. Our team is well-versed in open meeting law and data practices law, so you can rest easy knowing that we’re conducting a transparent and ethical search.

We’ll also be providing interview training to both the board and stakeholder groups, so everyone is prepared to ask the right questions and make the most of our candidate interviews.

Speaking of interviews, we’ll be handling all of the interview and process legalities to ensure that everything is above board and fair for all candidates.

And let’s not forget about communication! We’ll be providing a process overview to keep everyone in the loop, and we’ll be handling all internal and external communication throughout the search.

So sit back, relax, and let us handle the nitty-gritty details of your superintendent search. We’ll find you the perfect candidate in no time!

  • Board Candidate Profile
  • Community Candidate Profile
  • Town Hall Focus Groups
  • Community Embed
  • Interview Training for Board/Stakeholder Groups
    • Open Meeting Law
    • Data Practices Law
    • Interview/Process Legalities
    • Process Overview
  • Internal/External Communication

The search for a new leader t is like going on a treasure hunt – but instead of gold, we’re searching for the perfect candidate to lead our school district. To find the right person, we need to evaluate and screen potential candidates, using our Ed Hunter Assesment to match them to the specific needs of our district.

We’ll carefully review resumes and check references to ensure we’re finding the best of the best. And just like any good treasure hunter, we’ll need to develop our interviewing skills to get to know our candidates and understand their unique strengths and abilities.

Throughout this process, we’ll keep everyone in the loop with clear and effective communication, both internally and externally. Our goal is to find a superintendent who will not only meet our needs but exceed them, and with these steps in place, we’re confident we’ll find the perfect fit for our district.


Resume Review

Candidate Match with Ed Hunter System

Reference Check Candidates

Interview Development

Internal/External Communication



Are you searching for a leader that will lead your school district to new heights? Well, you’re in luck! Our team of consultants is here to guide you through the final stages of the selection process.

Ah, the joy of interviewing. It’s like a blind date, but with fewer awkward silences and more questions about your previous work experience.

The first step is always the most nerve-wracking. We ask candidates to put on their best outfit, do some quick googling on your school, and make sure their breath doesn’t smell like the garlic bread they had for lunch. And that’s just for a video interview! We help facilitate series of interviews that help you gauge the candidates through three distinct and narrowing sets of interactions

But don’t worry, once you get past the interviews, it’s smooth sailing from there. You get to dazzle the interviewer with your budgets and facilities and offer them a collective board smile (or at least that’s what you tell yourself). And if all else fails, the school can always bring a bunch of Kindergartners to the interview. Who can resist?

Finally, we will facilitate a lively and productive deliberation among the board to determine the best candidate for the job. Then, we’ll help you present a motion to engage in negotiations with the top candidate. Don’t worry, we have everything scripted out for you to make sure you do it right!

Once the decision has been made, we’ll handle the tedious collection and packaging process, compiling all the necessary notes and documentation to make sure everything is in order for your HR Department.

From there, we’ll assist with contract negotiations to ensure a fair and reasonable agreement is reached. And, of course, we’ll work with you to establish clear entry goals and a performance evaluation plan, so you can monitor the superintendent’s progress and ensure they’re meeting your expectations.

With our expertise and guidance, you can rest assured that your district will have a superintendent who is capable, committed, and ready to lead your schools to success!

  • Conduct Round 1 Interviews
    • Standard Interview
  • Conduct Round 2 Interviews
    • Developmental Interview
  • Final Presentation/Town Hall
    • Scenarios/Role Playing

Ah, yes, the final facilitated deliberation – the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It’s like the final act of a dramatic play, with all the key players coming together to make the big decisions. And what decisions they’ll be!

First up, we have the motion to engage in negotiations. I don’t know about you, but I always picture this as a bunch of people in suits dramatically raising their hands and shouting “Aye!” at the same time. It’s a real nail-biter.

But before we can get to the negotiations themselves, we need to go through the collection and package process. It’s like wrapping a present, but instead of ribbons and bows, we’ve got notes and reports. It’s not as pretty, but it’s just as exciting.

Once we’ve got all our notes in order, it’s time for the main event – the contracts and negotiations. This is where things can really get wild. Will there be shouting? Will there be tears? Will there be passive-aggressive emails? Anything is possible.

And finally, once we’ve got all our contracts signed and sealed, it’s time to establish entry goals and performance evaluation. This is where we get to set the bar for our new hires. Will they rise to the challenge? Will they exceed our wildest expectations? Only time will tell.

  • Final Facilitated Deliberation
  • Motion to Engage in Negotiations
  • Collection and Package Process/Notes
  • Contracts/Negotiations
  • Establish Entry Goals and Performance Evaluation

You’ve found the perfect new leader for your district! Congratulations! But the work isn’t over yet. Now it’s time to set them up for success.

  • First, let’s establish a 100-day entry plan. We want to make sure your new superintendent hits the ground running and has a clear roadmap for success. This plan will outline their goals for the first 100 days and beyond, ensuring a smooth transition and a strong start.
  • We also believe that mentorship and coaching are critical components to success. We’ll pair your new superintendent with a mentor who will guide them through the first year and provide ongoing support as needed. Our coaching program will also help your superintendent identify areas for growth and development, ensuring continued success in the role.
  • And finally, we offer guarantees to ensure your district’s investment in the new superintendent is protected. We’re confident in our search process and the quality of our candidates, but we also know that unexpected circumstances can arise. Our guarantees provide peace of mind and ensure that your district is covered in case of unforeseen circumstances.

With these final steps, we’re confident that your new leader will thrive and bring great success to your district.